Top Future In-demand Jobs to Consider in the Technology Sector

5 min readJul 30, 2020


Technology with no doubt is a field that is growing fast and changing all the time, creating most of the top future needed jobs in this field. One critical problem always facing employers is the lack of those skilled people who could fill such positions, since there are more jobs than the number of people who could do them, it is even predicted that by 2030, the talent shortage in the field of technology, media, and telecommunications will reach 4.3 million. In order to guarantee a successful future job, it is important to prepare yourself for the technological skills needed.

Effect of the Technological Change

The tech sector is actually high in demand and it will keep growing, which will in turn affect the jobs that will be offered and the skills employers will be searching for in order for these jobs to be executed in the needed manner. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robots, autonomous vehicles, and the internet of things are shaping the world and in return doing the same to the world of work. Everything we are now exposed to, is related to technology, which is making everything easier, but in turn might in the future replace a lot of human jobs, giving robots the chance to do most of the duties.

This change in the world of work placed new procedures and plans which should be followed. The ecosystem today needs a workforce that can easily adapt to the technological changes taking place and enhance their skills when needed. Also, job roles and careers will become increasingly redefined due to the change that is happening with the virtual devices that make everything more connected and enable workplace communication and interaction to be done anywhere.

According to Get Smarter, due to these technological changes taking place, there are some jobs which are expected to take place more than others, such as internet of things specialist, information systems manager, app developer, Cloud computing manager, Cybersecurity manager, data analyst, data scientist, AI specialist, and IT professional.

Did technology affect workers? Yes! Technology did not just change the skills needed and the jobs which are in demand, but it also changed the time workers might take in order to get their jobs done; what used to take hours, could now be finished in minutes. Technology did not just affect communication and made it easier, but it also affected manufacturing as well as the rate and speed of production.

In-demand Future Jobs That will Take Over

Even though there are different jobs believed to disappear in the future, there are millions of others which will take place due to the technological growth that will keep happening.

According to EAB, about 133 million new jobs are supposed to appear between 2018 and 2022, not just that, but 42% of the task hours will be performed by machines and algorithms.

According to the last report by the World Economic Forum, there are different jobs which are expected to grow and stay in need in the future, which include:

  • Data Analysts and Scientists
  • AI and Machine Learning Specialists
  • General and Operations Managers
  • Software and Applications Developers and Analysts
  • Sales and Marketing Professionals
  • Big Data Specialists
  • Digital Transformation Specialists
  • New Technology Specialists
  • Organizational Development Specialists
  • Information Technology Services

What is interesting about the technology sector and the jobs which are believed to stay in demand in the future, is the fact that people almost know them all at the moment, but there are millions of others which will appear as brand new throughout the years which we know nothing about. Since these jobs are important and need people to fill them, they also offer the highest salaries out there.

Highest Paying Technology-related Careers

If you are still asking yourself why you should choose a job in the technology sector then it is important to know that in addition to the great salary you are going to receive, you will also get the chance to work in a field that is not going to disappear anytime soon. From the top paying entry-level jobs, there is the computer programmer who receives $48,790 per year, web developer who earns $37,930 per year, and the computer support specialist who gets $38,270 per year; and that’s an entry-level salary which could be higher according to the experience you carry in the field.

When it comes to the top paying careers, there is the computer and information systems manager who receives $142,530 per year, computer and information research scientist who gets $118,370 yearly, the computer hardware engineer who earns $114,600 yearly, the software systems developer who receives $110,000 per year, all also as an entry level, as well as others.

Why Learn Machine Learning and Web Development?

Amid all these different tech-related jobs that will long live in the future, there are some skills which people should gain in order to be applicable for any of them. Some educational studies are definitely needed, but people could also start with some courses, bootcamps, and postgraduate studies to gain the needed skills for such jobs.

Do you know that 75% of Netflix users select films recommended to them by the company’s ML algorithms? This is just one reason why learning more about machine learning is important, it helps with recommending your products to the viewers according to what they have purchased before or been looking through previously.

Since AI and machine learning specialist comes as one of the expected future tech-related jobs to stay, it is important to gain the needed skills, which could happen through enrolling in bootcamps or courses. Machine learning is being used in financial services, oil and gas, in government agencies, retail, healthcare, and transportation, which means that it will even be related to fields that might have nothing to do with technology. Machine learning is also important to learn because it will increase your efficiency, it can personalize your marketing campaigns, it helps to detect fraud, and it is linked directly to data science. This just proves that machine learning is definitely important even if you are not working in the technology sector, and that of course comes in addition to the good payment you are going to receive.

Learning web development is also important for several different reasons which start with being in-demand at the moment, could be done anywhere, and most importantly give you the chance to deal with new things, such as learning HTML, creating interesting things for the mobile world, will give you the chance to show your creativity, and it is also fun.

You could start your web development and machine learning career with RoboGarden Bootcamps which come in collaboration with Concordia University of Edmonton; you will get the skills and will receive a certificate as well.




Written by RoboGarden

RoboGarden is an easy-to-understand app that helps kids and adults learn how to code through interactive games.

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